How to preserve savings? This question worries many, from private individuals to large corporations. The fact is that it is important not just to invest them somewhere, but also to preserve their value in the future, because modern banknotes do not have gold backing and lose value, they are completely depreciated or have fluctuations in the exchange rate.
It has long been a common practice to store money in the form of gold. From this we have all kinds of tales and legends about the wealth of heroes, kings and emperors of the past. In addition, it was possible to store money in gold in several forms: some kept their savings in the form of gold coins, some liked to decorate palaces with gold dishes, which were utilitarian and at the same time served as an investment of money. There were also those who turned gold into various ornaments.
Such people seek to rationally use their gold stock and increase its value with the help of jewelry work, adding precious stones, although the weight of jewelry is usually small. One of the most common ways of storing gold is gold bars - cast bars of gold of a certain weight. Banks keep them in their vaults. And to this day, you can invest in them by buying ready-made bars from manufacturing companies such as Golden Grove.
Why is it beneficial to keep savings in gold?
Gold was and remains the main measure of wealth. And no matter what new types of investments are invented, all the rich people, companies, and even countries are eager to get hold of gold when they need to weather the storm in the world economy. A simple example: in 2019, in anticipation of a potential economic war between the United States and China, two superpowers, many chose to invest their funds in gold. As a result, the precious metal rose in price by 20%.
In what form is gold in demand?
In the form of jewelry. There is always a demand for it, and as the market grows, the demand keeps growing.
In the form of metal for industrial needs: this is also a very important factor, because, for the production of computer equipment, gold is also needed. Then multiply the smallest amount of gold required for circuit boards by the number of computers produced per year and you will be amazed at the volume.
Gold remains a reliable anchor for the economy of any country. It is for a reason that every state has its own gold reserves in the form of bullions stored in central banks.
One of the most rational types of savings is investing in gold bars. You can physically feel what your money is invested in. You can store gold bars both at home and in a personal safe - their value remains unchanged.
Tracking the gold market is a profitable process, although it is less exciting than playing the oil or cryptocurrency stock markets. And with the right strategy, you can make a significant fortune.
Despite the fact that the role of gold has faded over the past 50 years, it remains one of the most stable investments in the world economy. Hence the conclusion that gold is one of the most profitable types of wealth accumulation due to its stability and small fluctuations in price.