

Gold has been the most widespread and reliable way to keep your savings at all times. No wonder that even now the yellow metal is in great demand. Gold is in such a privileged position because it has "protective" properties. One of such properties is the fact that gold is an effective instrument of hedging against inflationary risks in case of long-term investments.

Today we have prepared for you the second part of interesting facts about this precious metal:

  •  All the gold ever mined would fit in a box about 21 meters across in a cube.
  •  About half of all gold mined today is used in jewelry, which remains the most common use of gold.
  •  The 40,000 miners who joined the California Gold Rush in 1849 were called "49ers." Only a very small number of them have ever gotten rich.
  • Julius Caesar gave each of his soldiers 200 gold coins from the spoils of war in his victory over Gaul.
  • More than 90% of the world's gold has been mined since the California gold rush.
  • Gold is often alloyed with other metals to change its color and strength. Eighteen-carat gold consists of 750 parts of pure gold per 1000.
  • The largest gold coin ever created was cast by the Perth Mint in 2012. Weighing one ton and measuring 80 cm in diameter, it surpassed the previous record, the 2007 $1 million Canadian coin, which was only 53 cm in diameter.
  • One ounce of gold can be stretched 50 miles; the resulting wire would be only five microns wide.

Well, did you like the set of facts? Was it interesting? What do you think? Which of the facts were already known to you?