
Gold vs Bitcoin: why is it profitable to invest in gold?

Supporters of investing in gold and cryptocurrencies often confront each other: the first defend the traditional way of accumulating capital, the second - accuse the first of being old-fashioned and not ready to accept the new high technology.


What is the real situation? Let's look at it together with Golden Way!


Investing in gold - why is it profitable?

The tradition of gold savings is more than one thousand years old. Originally exactly this metal was the main trade relations regulator, and even now every currency has its support in gold. No wonder, that there are still many followers of this tradition. So what are the advantages of investing in gold?

  • Gold is always in demand on the market: it is used for jewelry, high-tech electronics cannot do without gold, and even dentistry still actively uses this metal for its needs.
  • Gold is the main resource of any country. Both on a macroeconomic scale and on the scale of an individual household, gold is a guarantee of stability and security.
  • Gold is stable in its price. There hasn't been a collapse in the gold market for many years. And with the loss of global economic stability due to the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020-2021, gold has only strengthened its position.
  • Gold does not require complicated multi-way strategies to increase profits. It is enough to buy it, watch the price and if necessary, sell it profitably.
  • Gold does not require complicated multi-way strategies to increase profits. It is enough to buy it, watch the price and if necessary, sell it profitably.


Investing in Bitcoin: Why is it appealing to people?

Bitcoin has become the "new gold" over the past 10 years. This digital currency, though it has no physical form, remains one of the most expensive assets. And it is valued for these qualities:

  • Bitcoin is gradually spreading into all spheres. Today, it can be used to pay for goods and services, store it in accounts or exchange it for other assets.
  • Bitcoin is more mobile than gold - if you need to transport gold from one country to another, you will have to pay for transportation, security and customs requirements. Bitcoin is always with you.

But if you look at how money is made with cryptocurrencies, it becomes clear that simply selling them is possible, but risky: the price of crypto is constantly changing, and besides bitcoin there are at least 5 other cryptocurrencies on the world market today, that are "pulling the blanket" over themselves. Moreover, bitcoin owners are constantly focused on exchange quotations - in order to make money, it is necessary to follow the rates almost daily to have time to win on the quotation fluctuation.


All this makes investing in cryptocurrency in general and bitcoin in particular quite a complicated process. In addition, they are good only in the short term - for example, if the rate went up today, you sold it and made some profit. Whereas gold, specifically, is good for investing in the long term.


If you want to invest your money in worthwhile assets which will guarantee safety and increase your wealth for a long time, at Golden Way we can help you start investing in a smart way. We produce gold bars ourselves and already have a developed network of offices in all parts of the world. With us you can increase your fortune without risks, complicated schemes and constant stress.