
Forecast of gold quotes in 2021


Gold is one of the most stable hard currencies. In comparison, it is just as valuable as oil or gas, with its beauty and aesthetics and common use in everyday life making it much more appealing. Roughly speaking, among millionaires, gold is Elon Musk - attractive, perspective and always young.


But what about gold quotes? How do we figure out what prices will be relevant in 2021?



How much gold will be worth in 2021


Last year was known for the growth of gold prices. The reasons were the following:







    Economic instability, which forced people to go back to traditional values, including monetary values, namely gold.


    The necessity to create a " safety cushion " based on a resource which is always in high demand. Gold is exactly such a resource.


    Foreign economic factors, including the economic recovery of China, as the main consumer of gold in recent years.


    Another foreign economic factor is the artificial inflation of the economies of some countries with monetary assets, which devalues the price of banknotes, but increases the price of independent assets including gold.


These factors allowed gold to regain its leadership in the investment market, which was challenged by cryptocurrencies, real estate and securities.


At the same time the gold quotes balance on the stock markets has significantly staggered. In previous years the price per ounce was not higher than $1,700, but this year after the start of the pandemic Citibank forecasts set the price for 2021 at $2200 level. Meanwhile, the Australian ANZ puts the quote forecasts even higher - at the level of $2400. But a leading online investor Wallet Investor sets a more accurate forecast - the price of gold will not exceed $2100. But in the five years period the price will grow approximately by 30%, which is also pleasant for the owners of assets.



Are there any pitfalls of gold quotes?


It is definitely profitable to invest in gold today. There are no special pitfalls in it. We can list the main advantages of such an investment:







    The high value of quotes, which tends to increase.


    The high liquidity of gold which is the asset that everyone wants and always needs.


    The possibility of transforming the gold resource into something new: whether it is jewelry, electronics, or investment in coin making.


    Excellent demand for gold - you will always be able to buy it everywhere at a good price. Redundancy in the market is just impossible.


So in case you're considering where to invest your spare money to make a profit without any concerns about the value and relevance of your assets you should go for gold. However, we must remember that only high quality gold with no doubts about its quality and value is the best option for you. Exactly this kind of gold produces our company Golden Way. We offer a lucrative investment program providing multi-tiered income, full-time analyst support and other options that will make your investment experience easier and more successful.