

We know that you liked our rubric of interesting facts about gold, so we continue to delight you with new pieces of knowledge, and you, in turn, give us your likes:

2316 troy ounces. The largest ever true gold nugget weighed 2316 troy ounces when found at Moliagul in Australia in 1869. It was called the “Welcome Stranger”.

79. The atomic number of gold is 79, which means that there are 79 protons in the nucleus of each atom.

400 troy ounces. The London Good Delivery Bar, is a standard unit of traded gold, weighing close to 400 troy ounces of gold.

530 000 bars. The US Federal Reserve stores 6700 tons of gold in 530 000 gold bars. At its peak in 1973, the Fed held over 12 000 tons of monetary gold.

4600 tons. There are 147.3 million ounces or about 4600 tons of gold stored in the US Bullion Depository at Fort Knox.

15 000 tons. Even at only 10 parts of gold per quadrillion, the world's oceans are estimated to hold up to 15 000 tonnes of gold.

9 square meters. One ounce of pure gold can be hammered into a single sheet nine metres square.

One ounce of gold can be forged into a translucent sheet 0.000018 cm thick and 9 square meters in area; or drawn into a wire 80 km (50 mi) long.

That's all for today. Stay updated. New interesting facts will follow.